Download driver for other platforms from Driver Filename: PL2303_Prolific_DriverInstaller.exe. For Windows 8.1, For Apple Mac FTDIUSBSerialDriver.dmg Or you can here. For 2013 Model For Windows Driver Filename: FTDI_CDM_Setup.exe. ĭouble click on this file so that it opens. If you are in need of drivers, manuals, firmware, training videos, FAQ's or other support information, please choose your product (if your product is not listed, please see the 'Legacy Products' section at the bottom of the page).
Install USB port: Attention: Before installing this driver, don't connect cutting plotter with computer. Please follow this simple guide to install USB drivers for our vinyl cutter. USB Port Setting, Install USB Driver Our vinyl cutters are a USB ready device and support all the latest Windows systems (from XP, Windows Vista to Windows 7 and Windows 8, including both the 32 bit and 64 bit system).